Your ultimate gateway to incredible discounts and unbeatable deals at local businesses! Packed with a variety of money-saving offers, this all-in-one coupon collection is designed to help you explore and support your community while keeping your budget intact. Unlock a world of savings and experience the best your neighborhood has to offer, all at a fraction of the cost. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save big and shop local!
There are 200 Restaurants participating in the regular book. 300 Restaurant Coupons and $1200.00 in value combined!
There is over $8,000.00 in total value again in this year’s book. There are over 700 - two-for-one and 50% off discounts!
Sports & Recreation...$1821
Golf Courses...................$1284
Retail and Other...........$1937
Health & Beauty............$2195
Auto Service.....................$345
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